The Dadnabbit Tweet Of The Week

Welcome to a new weekly feature here on Dadnabbit. It’s pretty simple – Tweet something that isn’t lame. Tweet something smart, amusing, thought-provoking, whatever. If it catches our eye and makes us think or laugh, it has a chance to be featured.

Without further ado, the first ever Dadnabbit Tweet Of The Week:

My only thought on this – Why did you buy your kid a Furby in the first place?

Reminder: Follow @dadnabbit or me @dwalsh76 on Twitter for your chance to be featured!

The Dadnabbit Top Family Records Of 2012

make bekivers
Is December 31st too late to release a top records of 2012 list? Probably, but it’s what I grew up on. I’d go over to my grandma’s house on New Years Eve around noon and would watch the top 100 videos on MTV until the ball dropped. So, I stubbornly waited until today to post this Top 10 list. Pageviews be damned.

As with all lists, they’re subjective and strictly based on my opinion and what engages my 3 1/2 year old.

Dadnabbit Top 10 Family Records of 2012

10. Various Artists – Keep Hoping Machine Running: Songs of Woody Guthrie
The first of two Woody Guthrie tributes in the Top 10. This tribute, an idea by Jeff Giles and Bill Childs features some of the best in the Kindie world paying tribute to Mr. Guthrie.
9. The Pop Ups – Radio Jungle
The Brooklyn synth-pop duo is back with another batch of infectious pop songs that had our whole family dancing.
8. Elizabeth Mitchell – Little Seed: Songs for Children by Woody Guthrie
Another Woody Guthrie tribute and Elizabeth Mitchell brings out the sweetness of the tunes. Loved this record far more than I expected.
7. Gustafer Yellowgold – Gustafer Yellowgold’s Year in the Day
Another year, another album from Morgan Taylor. This time around he finds holidays throughout the year for Gustafer to enjoy.
6. Various Artists – Science Fair
A truly empowering album. As the father of two girls, the lyrics “Girls can do anything” and “Oh girl, you can be whatever you want to be” featured on this album make it a no-brainer as one of the years best. A perfect example of why kindie music is better than Top 40 or Kidz Bop.
5. Justin Roberts – Lullaby
Mr Roberts does it again. I’ll never doubt him again.
4. Ozomatli – Ozomatli Presents OzoKidz
The L.A. based latin-salsa-funk-hip hop band bring some fresh sounds to the family music scene. While overproduced at times, it still has the Ozomatli sound I know and love.
3. Okee Dokee Brothers – Can You Canoe?
A unique concept, executed to near perfection.
2. Lucky Diaz & The Family Jam Band – A Potluck
Only Mr. Diaz’s second full length and he’s already one of the best in the biz. Power Pop/Rock executed flawlessly.
1. Secret Agent 23 Skidoo – Make Believers
Simply put, this album kicks ass. Genre bending organic old school hip hop vibe with catchy lyrics and killer hooks. Such a rewarding album. I simply LOVE this album.

Honorable Mentions: Kepi Ghoulie, Sugar Free All-Stars, Randy Kaplan, Farmer Jason, The Board of Education, Songs for Junior Rangers, Astrograss, Ben Rudnick.

Top 5 songs (based on number of plays on my ipod)
1. Box Of Crayons – The Pop Ups.

2. Like It’s Your Birthday – Ozokids
3. Do The Kangaroo – Kepi Ghoulie
4. Lines and Dots – Lucky Diaz
5. Rocket Science – MC Fireworks

I can’t wait to see what the Kindie world brings us in 2013. (I’ve heard some of it, and it sounds pretty good.)