Tag Archives: Dadnabbit

Ch-Ch-Changes at Dadnabbit


Giles did what?

Loyal or new readers of Dadnabbit, after the first of the year you’ll start to see something different on Dadnabbit. Content. If you haven’t noticed, and it’s possible you didn’t, we haven’t been creating or writing a bunch of new content lately. Life sometimes gets in the way. It’s not an excuse, just the reality of being parents with a full-time job.  A year ago Jeff Giles asked me to help out when I was let go from my previous job and I did what I could, which wasn’t much.

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(37 posts in total says the site) Despite that output from me, Jeff fired himself from the site and offered me the keys.

FYI – for those of you who love Mr.

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Giles, he’s not going away completely. We plan to launch a monthly podcast with Bill Childs, Stefan Shepherd, Dave Loftin and Jeff Bogle after the first of the year and will be be a vital part of it. We will still continue to do our popular Desert Island Discs, My First Record and Conversation features.

My hope is to make Dadnabbit more than just a place for CD/DVD reviews, but more about the joy and pain of fatherhood. Kindie music will still be a vital part of what we do, but hopefully we can write about more than just music. Apps, webcomics, games, books, etc.

So, I’ve assembled a team of dads to help make a go of this.

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A lawyer, an unemployed lawyer, a teacher, a musician, a veteran, a gamer and genealogy geek, a dad-to-be, a beer runner, a new dad, a dad of teenagers in addition to others who have offered to give us their two cents on fatherhood. With all of us having full time jobs, we’ll do our best to bring you quality content on a regular basis.

So pardon the dust and we look forward to a rejuvenated Dadnabbit in 2013.

CD Review: Peter Himmelman, “My Trampoline”

51EienGk3NL._SCLZZZZZZZ_[1]Before They Might Be Giants turned crossing over to kid’s music into a viable business model, Peter Himmelman was doing it — and unlike the whimsical TMBG, Himmelman never seemed like a natural fit for a younger demographic. This isn’t to say Himmelman’s “adult” CDs are inappropriate for younger ears, but they aren’t exactly whimsical, either; in fact, they’re often harrowing self-examinations prompted by grown-up stuff like death, heartbreak, or — in the case of 1992’s absolutely devastating “Untitled” — a long ride with an anti-Semitic cab driver.

So yes, Peter Himmelman may not have been the artist most likely to start a second career as a performer of children’s songs, but here’s the thing: as anyone who’s followed his artistic path is aware, he’s comfortable writing in pretty much any genre (including scoring for TV, which he’s done quite a bit in the last 10 years), and no matter what he does, he always writes honestly, which is the key ingredient in this stuff. That honesty, coupled with Himmelman’s keen eye for beauty and deep insight, is what makes his kids’ CDs so special — a collection now expanded to include his latest effort, My Trampoline. Here, for example, is how he describes his inspiration for the My Trampoline track “Ten Billion Blades of Grass”: Continue reading