Just. No.

Twitter Movie Review: Chihuahua Too

Just. No.

Just. No.

First off – Yes they made a sequel to Chihuahua. Secondly, there was a first Chihuahua movie?

Listen, I was not going to watch this movie. Ever. It’s a direct to DVD, cheaply made knock off of Beverly Hills Chihuahua which is terrible in it’s own right. Somewhere, somebody thought this was a good idea.

We didn’t.

Luckily for you, I have entertaining friends. Whom I bribed to review it via Twitter. So, they put their kids to bed, grabbed a bottle of bourbon and, well………













So, there you go. We just saved you 80 minutes of your life. Rubie & Mrs Q had plenty of other tweets about the movie. Make sure to check out their timelines for more.